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Bertha Park High School


Full & Partial Study Leave

The full study leave period will run from Monday 22 April to Friday 24 May (inclusive) for candidates who are sitting three or more exams at National 5 or Higher level. Pupils can study from home but they are also welcome to attend school to study. A facility will be available for them. When in school they will be expected to be in uniform.

Candidates who are sitting Art and Design (Higher & National 5), will continue their study leave until after their exam on Tuesday 28 May. They will return to school on Wednesday 29 May.

Partial study leave is for candidates who are sitting fewer than three exams, they may take two days study leave prior to each exam. An alternative timetable will be provided for these pupils and full attendance is expected. 

SQA Exam Timetable

A copy of the SQA Timetable is available here.

Candidates will be issued their individual timetable on return from the Easter break, along with a slip which confirms the SQA course entries they are presented for. Pupils will be asked to check that the information is correct and to raise any queries regarding course entries with their subject teachers. Please check the course & level entries with them and contact the school if you have any concerns.

 Please also check that your home address details are correctly stated on the sheet and notify the school office with any changes. This will ensure that SQA examination results are posted to the correct address.

Additional Assessment Arrangements (AAA)

Final evidence is currently being gathered and analysed for AAA. Approvals will be given to pupils to take home before the Easter Break for sign off from parents.


Please contact the school office as soon as possible, and by 8.30am on the day of the exam, in the event that your child is unable to sit their exam due to medical or other reasons. The SQA has Exceptional Circumstances and Appeals processes to be followed when absences occur. For more details please use this link.

 On the day of the exam

Candidates will be briefed  regarding what they need to bring into the exam room and items that they cannot take into the room.

 Candidates must:

  •  Arrive at the exam room no later than 10 minutes before the exam starts.
  • Bring the right equipment into the exam room – black or blue pens, rulers etc.
  • Bring their Candidate Number into the exam room. This will be provided prior to study leave.
  • Ensure they do not bring in any prohibited items into the exam room e.g. phone, electronic devices – iPads, tablets or smart watches, books or notes, pencil case.
  • Listen carefully to the instructions of the Invigilator and the instructions on the exam paper.
  • Remain in the exam room until the exam is finished.