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Bertha Park High School

Sporting Colours

Sporting Colours, more often known as colours, are traditionally awarded to members of a school or university who have excelled in sport. At Bertha Park High, Sporting Colours are awarded to pupils in recognition of excellence, participation in and dedication to extra-curricular activities. Please click the link below to be begin a new application.  GLOW log in account details must be used to complete the application.

 Sporting Colours Application form

Junior Colour

Junior Colours, in the form of a certificate and lapel badge can be awarded to pupils in S1 and S2 at the discretion of Mr S Clyde. They are awarded for excellence. Pupils must fulfil the following criteria.

A pupil should have competed at district/national level in the application year

  1. Competed for the school in district/national finals (where possible).
  2. A good example set to younger pupils and/or peers.
  3. Junior colours will only be awarded to pupils in S1 and S2.

Half Colours - Bronze, Silver and Gold

Half Colours, in the form of a certificate and lapel badge can be awarded to pupils in S2 to S6 at the discretion of Mr S Clyde. They are awarded for long service and loyalty. Pupils must fulfil the following criteria.

An excellent club attendance record over a period of at least two (bronze), four (silver) or five (gold) consecutive years.

  1. A very positive attitude and helpful behaviour.
  2. A good example set to younger pupils and/or peers.
  3. Bronze applicants must meet criteria 1-3.
  4. Silver applicants must have achieved bronze criteria as well as assisting with an S1 team throughout S4/5 or S6
  5. Gold applicants must have achieved silver criteria as well as leading an S1 or S2 team throughout S5 or S6.

Full Colours

Full Colours, in the form of a certificate and lapel badge can be awarded to pupils in S3 to S6 at the discretion of Mr S. Clyde. They are awarded for achievement and excellence. Pupils must fulfil the following criteria.

A pupil should have competed at district/national level in the application year.

  1. Consistently strong performances in the school team throughout two full seasons (where possible).
  2. Competed for the school in district/national finals (where possible).
  3. A good example set to younger pupils and peers.


For any further information or clarity regarding the above information please contact: kjdoig@pkc.gov.uk