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Bertha Park High School

Shape of the school day

Our school day is a little different from many other schools. We have longer classes, but fewer of them in the week.

Readiness 1 Interval 2 3 Lunch 3 4 School ends
(15 mins) A B (15 mins) A B A (55 mins) B A B
9:00 9:10 9:50 10:30 10:45 11:25 12:05 12:45 1:40 2:20 3:00 3:40

We have four long periods in our day, each period lasts 80 minutes, but has the possibility of splitting into two 40 minute slots: A and B), according to the subject and level.

Longer periods offer these advantages:

  • Better relationships between pupils & staff
  • Opportunities for deeper learning
  • Less time wasted moving between classes
  • Less stressful environment
  • Breaks between every class allows brain space
  • More time for outdoor learning & visits out of school
  • More continuous time allows for innovative teaching & learning
  • Pupils have less to juggle each day, promoting better mental health