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Bertha Park High School

Pupil Medication

Where possible, every effort should be made by parents for pupils to take medication out of school hours.

If medication is required to be brought into school, the parent should complete either a 'Parental Request for Medicine to be Administered by Staff' form or a 'Parental Request for Medicine to be Self-Administered by Pupil' form. We will make every effort to ensure requests are met, but if for any reason this is not possible, the parent or carer will be contacted and an emergency procedure will be put in place.

 Emergency and Essential Medication

If your child suffers from a chronic illness requiring long term medication, or where medication is required in an emergency situation, please contact the school at BerthaParkHSP@pkc.gov.uk and someone will call you back to discuss an individual healthcare plan.

 Asthma Inhalers

Some pupils carry inhalers for asthma and related illnesses, which they usually self-administer at school. It is necessary for the appropriate form to be completed as per the above guidance. To ensure all information is accurate and up to date an Asthma Management Plan should be completed and handed to the school office along with a spare inhaler.